HTR care
HTR Super 8 Cup Cricket Tournament 2022

HTR Super 8 Cup Cricket Tournament 2022

Updated at:

Fri Dec 08 2023

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Event Details:

Event Name: HTR Super 8 Cup Cricket Tournament 2022

Organizer: London Super Sports

Objective: Youth mobilization of marginalized communities in the UK through sports events and education programs.



'London Super Sports', an organization focused on organizing sports events and conducting sports education programs for youths, hosted the 'HTR Super 8 Cup' cricket tournament in 2022. With a primary aim of mobilizing marginalized communities, this tournament also stands as a platform to generate funds for charitable causes.


Company Involvement:

HTR Care, as the main supporter of the event, played a pivotal role in making the 'HTR Super 8 Cup' successful. Additionally, HTR provided 25 volunteers who actively participated in the event's execution.


Support: Financial support and volunteer involvement by HTR Care.

Youth Mobilization: Engaging marginalized youth through sports initiatives.


Charitable Contribution:

Profit Distribution: 100% of the profits generated from the tournament were allocated for charitable purposes.

Charity Organizations: Initially, the proceeds were directed through selected charity organizations until the establishment of a dedicated foundation.


Impact and Outcomes:

Youth Empowerment: Engaged marginalized youths in sports, promoting inclusion and empowerment.

Charitable Giving: The tournament's profits contributed to various charitable causes, benefitting the community.



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